Consulates General
| Great Britain and the Urals - a "modern" way of collaborating For a long time the relationship between Russia and Great Britain has evolved amidst a diplomatic clash between Moscow and London. However, in late 2011 a thaw was felt at the highest levels. In a landmark step, the two sides signed a partnership declaration that proclaimed an era of modernization in Russian-British cooperation. James McGuire, the British consul general in Ekaterinburg, explained to RusBusinessNews how this new edict has been reflected in the business dialog between the two countries. |
| The American "reset" in the Urals - from raw materials to innovations The "reset" in diplomatic relations between Moscow and Washington announced three years ago has yielded results, breathing new life into the two countries' bilateral cooperation. American business is turning more and more often to the growing Russian market, which includes the Urals. The American consul general in Ekaterinburg, Michael Reinert, explained in an exclusive interview with RusBusinessNews that Americans find the Urals region interesting, not only as a traditional source of raw materials, but as an excellent place to recruit skilled workers. |
| Vietnam is knocking at the Russian door Vietnam is ready to expand cooperation with Russia and its regions on a mutually beneficial basis. Neither Moscow nor Hanoi is satisfied with the present trade volume - 2.4 billion US dollars a year. Vietnamese exporters evince keen interest in the Ural market and are ready to supply a wide range of products - from seafood products to flowers. In return they need equipment and technology to upgrade their production. Nguyen Quang Vinh, Consul General of Vietnam in Ekaterinburg, told RusBusinessNews about the development of the bilateral dialogue. |
| Germany continues to see a promising future for doing business in the Urals The economic crisis that took its toll on the global economy raised doubts about the prospects of growth for international economic cooperation. But the German Consul General in Ekaterinburg, Dr. Renate Schimkoreit, assured RusBusinessNews that the partnership between Russia and Germany is still going strong. The most compelling evidence of this is found in the steady increase in the number of German visas issued in the Urals. |
| Hungary has sent marketing expert Tamás Varga to conquer the Urals The Hungarians see Russia as a strategic partner that can supply them with the oil and gas so essential to them. For Russians, the Republic of Hungary is a supplier of wine and agricultural products, as well as a holiday destination. This economic synergy benefits both countries. And now new vistas for cooperation between the Urals and Hungary can be explored, thanks to the new consul for foreign economic affairs who is now stationed at the Consulate General of Hungary in Ekaterinburg. Mr. Varga divulged the business plans of his fellow Hungarians in an exclusive interview with RusBusinessNews. |
| Czech ten-year anniversary in the Urals - from trade to turnkey projects The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Ekaterinburg is one of the diplomatic old-timers in the Urals. The Czech flag has been flaunting in the Ural capital since 2002. The diplomats are capably complemented by the representative offices of CzechTourism administering the tourism sector and CzechTrade providing assistance to Czech business people in their contacts with Russian manufacturers. The trio has achieved tangible success in development of bilateral cooperation. In his interview to RusBusinessNews Consul General Miroslav Ramesh told how over ten years the Czechs have spurted forward from export of products to implementation of ambitious projects in Russia. |
 | Hungarian Businessmen Seeking Carte Blanche in Urals Hungarian businessmen can not be considered newcomers in the Urals, they are quite comfortable in the energy, construction, and agricultural sectors here. However, the Hungarians are often deterred by the long distance between Hungary and Russian regions. Gabor Reppa, a Consul, the diplomat responsible for foreign economic relations in the Consulate General of Hungary in Ekaterinburg, told in an interview to RusBusinessNews what is being done to overcome these fears and establish a constructive dialogue between Urals and Hungarian entrepreneurs. |
| The German consul general, Renate Schimkoreit, "I love Russia" The heads of the diplomatic missions stationed in Ekaterinburg are quite a diverse group of people. It's not just diplomats who have been sent to the capital of the Urals - the Europeans have also dispatched experts in various fields of modern science. The consul general from Germany, Dr. Renate Astrid Schimkoreit, spent two years as a journalist in the Middle East before entering the diplomatic service and is fluent in several languages, including Arabic and Turkish. Ms. Schimkoreit was gracious enough to answer a few questions put to her by the director of RusBusinessNews, Vadim Dynin. |
 | Cooperation between China and Urals has Brilliant Future In what spheres are large scale joint projects expected? Should Urals enterprises fear the competition from the Celestial Empire? Is there economic confrontation between Russia and China? How many Chinese people are working in the Urals? These and other questions are answered by Xie Jinying, the Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Ekaterinburg, in the interview given to RusBusinessNews. |
 | Loving the Urals the French Way Amongst all the foreigners the French seem to be the most critical of the ways of conducting business in the Urals. Claude Crouail, the Consul General of France in Ekaterinburg, said in the interview to RusBusinessNews that this is connected to their large-scale plans for investments. |
 | Austria Will Leave the Guard of Honor in the Urals In his interview to RusBusinessNews Martin Vukovich, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Austria to Russia, explained why the Honourable Consulate of Austria in Ekaterinburg serves as a model; in which matters the Austrians left the Germans behind; and, what export from the Urals Federal District is of prime importance for Austria. |
 | British business maintains a "true English" scenario for the integration into the Urals economy. Low profile, almost silently, at a leisurely pace. Ms Jenny Lock, the British Consul General in Ekaterinburg, has expressed her views for the future of cooperation between the Foggy Albion and the Urals Federal District in an exclusive interview to Pavel Kober, a RusBusinessNews reporter. |
 | Who is Hungarian Export-Import Bank prepared to grant loans to in the Urals and Siberia; in which areas do Hungarians believe Czechs to be their senior partners; and, why do Hungarian diplomatic missions issue visas for third countries? Pál Jenő Fábián, Consul General of the Republic of Hungary in Ekaterinburg, spoke of these and many other things in an exclusive interview to RusBusinessNews. |
 | German Philosophy for Export High quality and innovations remain the key driver for the promotion of German companies' products - also in the Urals region. In the conditions of crisis and increasing import customs duties in Russia, the demand for German equipment is expected to drop significantly. However, in the long-term outlook the cooperation will only grow stronger - this is what Dr. Renate Schimkoreit, Consul General of Germany in Ekaterinburg, stated in a RusBusinessNews interview. |
| Czech Republic's Financial Scenario on Urals Stage The system of joint project financing in the Urals with the involvement of Czech Export Bank and Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation (EGAP) of the Czech Republic remains operational even in the conditions of economic crisis. This is what Miroslav Rames, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Ekaterinburg, told RusBusinessNews in an interview. |